Spring 2024 Commencement
Questions? Contact Us.
Office of the Registrar- Graduation@v33777.com
- 479-788-7230
- Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center
Spring 2024 commencement ceremonies will take place at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 11, in the Stubblefield Center.
Spring 2024 Commencement Program
10 a.m. Ceremony
College of Arts and Sciences
The 10 a.m. ceremony will honor graduates from the College of Arts and Sciences. Click the college name to show each major within this college.
- Associate of Arts
- Associate of General Studies
- Biology
- Biology with Teacher Licensure
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Engineering
- English
- English with Teacher Licensure
- General Studies
- Geoscience
- Graphic Design
- History
- History with Teacher Licensure
- Mathematics
- Mathematics with Teacher Licensure
- Media Communication
- Music
- Music Education
- Political Science
- Rhetoric and Writing
- Spanish
- Studio Art
- Theatre
1 p.m. Ceremony
College of Business and Industry
The 1 p.m. ceremony will honor graduates from the College of Business and Industry. Click the college name to show each major within this college.
- Accounting
- Applied Science
- Automotive Technology
- Business Administration
- Computer Graphic Technology
- Diesel Technology
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Electronics Technology
- Finance
- General Technology
- Industrial Electronics and Electrical Maintenance
- International Business
- Marketing
- Organizational Leadership
- Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Welding
4 p.m. Ceremony
College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
The 4 p.m. ceremony will honor graduates from the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences. Click the college name to show each major within this college.
- Dental Hygiene
- Early Childhood Education
- Master of Education
- Elementary Education
- Master of Healthcare Administration
- Imaging Sciences
- Middle School Education
- Nursing
- Practical Nursing
- Psychology
- Radiography
- Social Work
- Surgical Technology
Commencement Information
- 硕士毕业生穿黑色硕士礼服,并根据其研究领域戴上兜帽.
- Bachelor's graduates wear a black cap and gown.
- Associate and certificate graduates wear a navy cap and gown.
读者卡上标有毕业生的姓名、学位、学院和任何适用的大学 honors. 它是由毕业生上台领奖时交给读者的 their diploma cover. The reader will then announce the graduate’s name and degree as they walk across the stage.
读者卡可于开学当天到教务处领取。 May 6-10.
毕业生须在毕业典礼开始前45分钟到场. Graduates will 在echos大楼(Stubblefield的正南)排队,然后进入 building at the entrance facing Waldron Road. To get to Echols from Stubblefield, 沿着人行道从正门走向埃克尔斯大楼,然后寻找 the sign marked “Graduate Entrance.”
- Graduates in the 10 a.m. ceremony should arrive no later than 9:15 a.m.
- Graduates in the 1 p.m. ceremony should arrive no later than 12:15 p.m.
- Graduates in the 4 p.m. ceremony should arrive no later than 3:15 p.m.
毕业生们被鼓励穿着适合这个场合的服装. Graduates wear their caps and gowns during the ceremony. Women are cautioned that shoes with very high heels may make walking difficult during the processional.
毕业生不应携带个人物品(钱包、外套、雨伞等).) to the line-up area. 我们知道你将直接从户外进入,但不幸的是 there is no place to store personal items during the ceremony. If possible, leave personal items with one of your guests.
每个学院都将由一名手持印有学院标志的教职员代表 name in the line-up area in the Echols Building. Graduates will line up behind the 所属学院校徽/校旗(列明毕业生所在学院) on their reader card). Graduates are recognized in the following order: master's degrees, 荣誉学士学位,学士学位,荣誉副学士学位,副学士学位 degrees, technical certificates.
毕业生将在各自学院的旗帜下步入竞技场. 司仪将把横幅递给毕业生,并引导他们就座. The chairs will be in rows with a center aisle. Graduates will move down and fill every chair 坐在一排,一直站着,直到议长让所有人坐下.
暂时的学术荣誉在毕业典礼上被记录下来,这些学生 will wear the honor stole and/or cord appropriate for that honor. All qualified students are informed via their UAFS email.
毕业典礼荣誉是暂定的,基于所有大学水平的课程,包括 coursework transferred from other institutions. Grades earned during the graduating 学期不用于计算毕业典礼上的荣誉. Official 荣誉将在成绩提交后计算,并将在毕业生的成绩单上注明 diploma and transcript.
Bachelor's Degree with Honors
荣誉将授予符合以下标准的学士学位毕业生 honors recognition noted below. The official determination of UAFS academic honors 是在满足所有学位要求后进行的,并将在 graduate’s official transcript and diploma.
暂时的学术荣誉在毕业典礼上被承认,并在毕业典礼上注明 不包括毕业生最后一个学期的成绩.
- Summa Cum Laude: GPA of 3.9–4.0
- Magna Cum Laude: GPA of 3.8–3.89
- Cum Laude: GPA of 3.6–3.79
- 所有大学水平课程的累积GPA在上述类别之一; 包括所有来自其他机构的课程和所有重复的课程(发展) 已获得学术赦免的课程和课程不包括在内). NOTE: The GPA reflected in My.UAFS is only for UAFS coursework and may not reflect the GPA used for the calculation of honors.
- At least 45 hours completed at UAFS
- 在UAFS完成至少50%的主要领域工作时间
- 荣誉只授予授予第一个学士学位的人.
- 因学术不端或违纪受到纪律处分的学生 suspension at UAFS will not be graduated with honors.
Associate Degree with Honors
副学士学位毕业生将被授予杰出副学士学位 who have a cumulative GPA of 3.6-4.0 in all college-level coursework.
暂时的学术荣誉在毕业典礼上被承认,并在毕业典礼上注明 不包括毕业生最后一个学期的成绩.
- Cumulative GPA of 3.6-4.0 for ALL college-level coursework, including all coursework from other institutions and all repeated coursework. (developmental coursework and courses for which academic clemency has been granted are excluded). NOTE: The GPA reflected in My.UAFS is only for UAFS coursework and may not reflect the GPA used for the calculation of honors.
- Meet residency requirement of the respective associate degree
- 艺术副学士和通识副学士:在UAFS学习最后15个小时
- 应用科学副学士和科学副学士:最后15个小时,50% of major hours completed at UAFS
- Honors are awarded only for the first associate degree conferred. Students who have 先前获得的大专以上学历不符合资格.
- 因学术不端或违纪受到纪律处分的学生 suspension at UAFS will not be graduated with honors.
帽子的顶部可以装饰,但不应包含任何令人反感的图像或 language. Be respectful, but have fun with the decorations. The gown should not be decorated.
Single cord of green and purple
Double cord of black and white
Gold stole with royal blue trim
Single cord of pink
Single cord of pink and silver
Three cords of red, black, and white
Red stole with gold Greek letters
Single cord of black and light blue
Baby blue stole with pink trim
Two cords of red and blue
Single cord of black, white, and silver
Red stole with gold trim
毕业生将需要携带他们的帽子和长袍,流苏,摄影师卡和读卡器 card.
Please DO NOT bring purses, cameras, etc. to the ceremony. There is no storage for these items at the Stubblefield Center. It is recommended that these items be left with family 或者是将要参加婚礼的朋友,或者把他们锁在车里. 对于那些没有方便的口袋放钥匙的人来说,钥匙可以别在上面 the inside of the gown.
客人和毕业生可以在任何UAFS停车场停车,停车场除外 directly adjacent to Stubblefield. These are either reserved or set aside for attendees with physical disabilities.
所有标有蓝色和/或绿色标志的停车场(G区除外)均为开放式停车场 for commencement.
UAFS已与Grad Images签订合同,在毕业典礼上拍摄个人照片. 他们将为每个毕业生拍两张照片:第一张是毕业生的身体 校长给他们颁发了毕业证书封面,第二个是在学生走路的时候颁发的 off the stage.
Grad Images将在本周通过电子邮件与每位学生联系,并提供价格和校样 after the ceremony. 为了方便学生完成摄影资料 card when they pick up their reader card. 即使毕业生没有订购照片,也需要摄影师卡. The student will bring both to commencement. The reader card will be given to the reader as the graduate goes on stage. The photographer card will be given to the photographer just before the student goes on stage.
需要为自己或客人提供特殊住宿的毕业生请联系 the Registrar's Office at 479-788-7230 or graduation@v33777.com by May 1.
每位毕业生将收到一张文凭封面,内含一封贺信 from Chancellor Riley, but it will not contain a diploma. Diplomas are printed only 完成学位要求后,对所有毕业生进行验证,大约 eight weeks after commencement. Each graduate will be informed via UAFS email that 他们的文凭已经准备好,可以在注册办公室领取. In this email 毕业生可以选择要求将文凭邮寄到指定地址 they specify.
所有毕业生都应该在毕业后继续检查他们的UAFS电子邮件 reason.
All ceremonies will be live-streamed on this page and the UAFS YouTube channel.
Fall 2024 - December 14
- College of Arts and Sciences - 10 a.m.
- College of Business and Industry and College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences - 1 p.m.
Spring 2025 - May 10
- College of Business and Industry - 10 a.m.
- College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences - 1 p.m.
- College of Arts and Sciences - 4 p.m.